BMW Mercedes Diagnostics Test

Our clients ask us often: Do we charge for diagnostics?

Issues with BMW that no Diagnostics Test Would Find Out

In short yes we do, but let me explain.  There are  3 perfect examples of modern BMW,  Mercedes  issues which no scanner would ever find out, no matter where it was made or designed .

Case number one is a well maintained BMW X3 with  random misfire, at idle only and only intermittently. At first we checked all the usual culprits like fuel and spark management. Just to be sure we checked again.  We found everything in working order. The only thing left out is air management.

N52 BMW engine is Operated by Valvetronic System

The air gets in when the valve opens. There has been no misfire at cold start only. But as the engine started to slow down after cold start, the misfire would return.

This N52 BMW engine is operated by valvetronic system. It starts with a maximum lift of 8.5 mm of all the valves to aid in starting,  then will reduce the valve lift to a single valve only to 0.3 mm .

Knowing how the system works is job#1.  After shutting down the engine it goes into maximum lift,  therfore when we disconnected the hall sensor for the valvetronic, she reverts back to regular engine operation by using the throttle body.

There was a smooth idle in that case which confirmed there is an air management issue at hand. Before going to check the eccentric shaft or rocker we removed the intake manifold to inspect the inlet port. Than we found a broken flap embedded in the intake port, blocking the air path into #6 cylinder hence the misfire issue at idle only.

 A Seized Turbo Charger

The second case was a seized turbo charger pin to the wastegate where the owner got quoted 3 thousand to replace.  It took a little effort and some time to unseize the pin.  We lubed it, tested it. Passed the test and 3 thousand dollars is saved by checking the wastegate operation.

Case #3; The Lamborghini  Aventador at above, wouldn’t start.  Started with a low voltage issue which prompted a battery replacement.  After all it was caused by the hydraulic pump which issue is promptly fixed and car is back on the road. Check our Facebook out for more Lamborghini’s photos.

This 3 examples I brought up, just to show you;  We don’t charge for diagnostics, we charge for knowledge.

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BMW diagnostics

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Related: Autologic Diagnostic for European Import Cars

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