BMW Timing Chain Replacement

Timing chain replacement for a 2013 BMW 550xi due to broken chain guides and jumped timing chain which resulted in an undriveable vehicle.

Engine work on 2013 BMW 550xi

We received this beauty from the local dealer where at the owner has been told, to properly diagnose the problem at hand, will cost him 3500.00 dollars. Which is somewhat understandable since to achieve anything on this N63 engine, it must be removed to gain access to the vital components. It’s worth to note, this vehicle had only 78 thousand kilometers in. The question is; Why this happened? The answer is actually two fold.  The number one issue is, it has been driven ultra short distances, from home to work and back, 8 km either way.

The second issue has been, this particular chain design is an early version of a toothed chain design, which was unproven at the time.

Ladies and gentlemen this engine was built for autobahn speed, where it gets a work out, this modern high tech engines designed and build for a certain purpose, that’s the way they should be driven.

Low tension, low friction piston rings will allow more blow by especially with a cold engine, condensed water will be collected in the motor oil and will have no chance to boil off. Consequently, will damage the internal components.

Naturally we have done a lot of additional repairs on this car, like cleaned the intake valves and replace all the components with new revised versions.

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BMW 550xi’s Timing Chain Replacement

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