Pre-winter Car Maintenance

This time of the year the days are getting shorter and the weather getting cooler. Most people start doing their pre-winter automobile maintenance, other than regular timely oil changes. If you drive in winter, you should have your winter tires ready for the oncoming season.

You should have your vehicle inspected before the snow starts to fall.

Don’t Hesitate – Prepare Your Car for Winter

Randomly we will find some surprises like a somewhat worn tire which looks just fine from the outside but it may hide a serious belt separation at the inside.

Like the BMW tire on the picture which was at the right front, unfortunately it was destroyed, because worn bushings and misalignment. The owner said he was driving it at 130 kph and felt OK. This could end up in a crash or cause a serious mishap while endangering others.

worn tiresTypes Of Services Offered by Techmax Auto

Tire safety and vehicle safety is your responsibility and is a serious matter, which should not be taken lightly. Always regularly check for excessive tire and suspension wear and correct it in a timely manner. It will save your tires, fuel and excessive wear and tear in the long term. There is no magic to having a safe vehicle, it should be second nature.

Whenever we do regular maintenance on any car, we do provide a visual comprehensive inspection on the car, with you as a car owner / driver safety in the forefront to get you to your destination.

Get Ready for Winter Driving Again

Don’t forget to clean your windshield drains from leafs this time of the year, or your electronics may go for a “swim” ! See pictures for partially clogged drains on a 3 series BMW.

Click on the thumbnail to view bigger photo.

Do you have any questions, how may we help? Give us a call to:
(1) 905.795.0419.



Time to think about winter driving again

Get Your BMW and Mercedes Benz Winter Ready

Mini Cooper pre winter check

More information on our  winter service.

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